Breakfast/ Gluten Free/ Healthy

Steel Cut Oats with Strawberry Rhubarb Chia Jam

April 11, 2017

Steel Cut Oats with Strawberry Rhubarb Chia Jam

I will probably say it five million more times. Oats may as well be my life. Specifically these bad boys. I topped my steel cut oats with a strawberry rhubarb chia jam, making it one of my best decisions yet.

Steel Cut Oats

Steel Cut Oats are my favorite out of all the oats. Steel cut oats are the same as your regular old fashioned oats, except the oat groat is cut into smaller pieces instead of the flattened. I use Bob’s Red Mill steel cut oats, click the link to order online. They do take a bit longer to cook than rolled oats but, it is totally worth the wait. Steel cut oats are super creamy and have such a unique texture to them. Even my oat-hating boyfriend may have quietly mentioned that these steel cut oats with strawberry rhubarb chia jam were tolerable, and then went on to eat the whole bowl.

Steel Cut Oats 2

Anyways, because oats are so versatile you can produce savory or sweet dishes. Today, I had a sweet tooth. Luckily for me, I made some strawberry rhubarb jam that was seriously life-changing. If you are making your own jam, do a few hours before. This allows the chia seed to set. The sweet and sour  combination of strawberries and rhubarb knocked my birkenstocks off and had me singing sweet tunes of spring. If you have never heard of rhubarb before, don’t feel too bad. You are most likely not alone. Rhubarb is a spring time plant and the stalks are generally chopped up and used in recipes. Rhubarb is extremely tart and is typically baked or cooked with added sugars to balance out the tartness. Strawberry is a very normal pairing for rhubarb, they go together perfectly and it adds sweetness.

Steel Cut Oats 3

My steel cut oats with strawberry rhubarb chia jam recipe is a clean dream as it contains no dairy, no refined sugar, and the steel cut oats are a healthy addition to your diet that promotes lowering your cholesterol.

Steel Cut Oats with Strawberry Rhubarb Chia Jam

Serves: 4
Cooking Time: 45-1 hour


  • Strawberry Rhubarb Chia Jam: (will need to be done a few hours prior)
  • 1 1/2 cup, Frozen Strawberries
  • 1/2 cup, Rhubarb Stalk, chopped
  • 3 tbsp, Honey
  • Vanilla Bean, scraped
  • Toasted Coconut Chips:
  • 1 1/2 cup, Coconut Chips
  • 2 tbsp, Coconut Oil
  • Pinch of salt
  • Steel Cut Oats:
  • 2 tbsp, coconut oil
  • 1 cup, steel cut oats
  • 1 cup, almond milk
  • 2 cups, water
  • 2 tsp, salt
  • Optional Toppings:
  • Sliced Bananas
  • hemp seeds



First prepare your chia jam ahead of time:


In a medium sauce pot add honey, strawberries, and rhubarb and begin to cook down.


Be sure to stir frequently, so jam does not scorch


Add water if the mixture starts to get too thick


After about 20 minutes or so, strawberries and rhubarb should be broken down, when this happens stir in chia seeds and vanilla bean and allow to cool


Chia Seeds will take a couple hours to set up


This will keep for about a week or so refrigerator


Toasted Coconut Chips:


Preheat your oven to 350


Toss coconut chips with coconut oil, sprinkle with salt, and bake for 7-12 minutes, until it turns a golden color


Remove and set aside


Steel Cut Oats:


In a medium sauce pot, bring water, almond milk, and salt to boil


Meanwhile, In medium saute pan, over medium heat add coconut oil until hot


Once hot, add oats to toast until you start to smell a nutty aroma, be sure to be stirring so it toasts evenly


Once your water and almond milk are boiling add steel cut oats and stir, reduce heat to a simmer


Cover and cook for about 20 minutes, stirring frequently


To assemble, add oats to your bowl and stir in Strawberry Rhubarb Chia Jam and top with toasted coconut chips. I also added 1/2 a sliced banana and 2 tsp of hemp seeds

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    Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread Oat Bake » The Seasonal Junkie
    September 17, 2020 at 9:50 pm

    […] 2.) Steel Cut Oats with Strawberry Rhubarb Chia Jam […]

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