Breakfast/ Gluten Free/ Healthy/ Snacks/ Whole30

Paleo Strawberry Cauliflower Smoothie

April 25, 2019

This Paleo Strawberry Cauliflower Smoothie is about to make all of your “tired of egg” dreams come true.

Paleo Strawberry Cauliflower Smoothie- The Seasonal Junkie

Now not to bash eggs, but when you are on a paleo/Whole30 diet, you tend to eat eggs. ALL THE TIME. And while eggs are great, high protein breakfast without egg options are key. You know, when you have a sweet tooth or you are done with savory life. Just for a meal.

WTF. Cauliflower Smoothie

That’s when you say hello to this paleo strawberry cauliflower smoothie. First of all, if you think I have lost my mind putting the words “cauliflower smoothie” together. Just chill, like this smoothie, haha. Cauliflower is one of those flavors that isn’t overpowering. And life hack (you’re welcome), it gives your smoothie a nice creamy texture.

If you are still reading, it means you trust me. Trust is everything.

Paleo Strawberry Cauliflower Smoothie- The Seasonal Junkie

And guys, you should trust me on this one. It is amazing. So, to make this smoothie, my recommendation would be to get your cauliflower rice already riced and frozen. I buy mine from Costco and it saves so much time. Especially when making this paleo strawberry cauliflower smoothie.

Want another smoothie recipe?! Check out this Avocado Horchata Smoothie!

If you are someone that gets uncomfortably bloated from raw cauliflower, do not fret. Part of the prep process typically entails the processor blanching the cauliflower before they freeze it. So you are good to go.

What about protein?!

Paleo Strawberry Cauliflower Smoothie- The Seasonal Junkie

I am so glad you asked! So many protein powders are filled with unnecessary additives. I opted to use Vital Proteins Collagen in this paleo strawberry cauliflower smoothie. In two scoops of this product, 20 grams of protein is provided and it’s just 70 calories. It is flavorless and blends great. So basically this will be your new favorite high protein breakfast without eggs.

Paleo Strawberry Cauliflower Smoothie

Serves: 2
Cooking Time: 5 MIN


  • 3 cup Frozen Strawberries
  • 2 cup Frozen Cauliflower Rice
  • 1 Frozen Banana
  • 3-6 Dates (depending on how sweet you want it)
  • 2 1/2 cup Almond Milk
  • 2 tsp Cinnamon
  • Optional: 2-4 Scoops Vital Protein Collagen Peptides



Add all ingredients to blender


Blend it, baby!!


*Add more almond milk if it is not blending or you want a thinner consistency


Separate into 2 servings



Paleo Strawberry Cauliflower Smoothie- The Seasonal Junkie
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Paleo Strawberry Cauliflower Smoothie
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    Best Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookies » The Seasonal Junkie
    May 29, 2019 at 6:37 pm

    […] Want a Breakfast Smoothie That is Paleo?! Check out this Strawberry Smoothie! […]

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